Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Suppression of Free Energy Technology

Tesla Discovered Free Energy Devices
Build Home Versions of Tesla's Devices
The vision of devices generating electricity from energy sources around us, free of cost, dates long back to the days of the famous scientist, Nikola Tesla. Tesla not only discovered these types of energy resources, but he also owned many patents for inventions based on his vision, which started out to be free energy for everyone. He even built a device which proved his concept that electricity can indeed be provided to millions of people around the world without any cost.

So, how come people still have to pay hefty sums to electric companies to meet their everyday energy requirements? The answer lies in money; money, politics, and greed; oh, and did I mention money. Energy companies procure billions of dollars a year in terms of profit, and the last thing these companies will allow is for the general public to become familiarized with the reality of the concepts of free energy. So they spend millions of dollars towards the suppression of this progressive technology. These corporations have gone and will go through extreme measures involving bribery of government officials, purchase of patents from the inventor, law suits against the inventor, and even acts of violence.

These sorts of tactics were used even as far back as the days of Nikola Tesla. Tesla was subjected to severe difficulties. His principal investor deliberately held back money for his projects; he was black listed among several potential investors and was prevented from getting funds; in fact, once, his entire laboratory was mysteriously burned to the ground. Needless to say, a lot of unscrupulous methods continue to be used by today’s corporations as well to protect their monopolies and their enormous profits.

Harness Energy from the Atmosphere
Harness Energy from the Atmosphere
Then there is the problem of our basic human nature, which is usually not optimistic enough to believe in new developments unless proven to them by some big name corporation or government agency. In fact, even the inventor Tesla was called a dreamer and made fun of for what seemed like wild ideas and even to this day is considered a little bit eccentric or even crazy. It is human nature to pronounce something as not working, rather than admit to be baffled by its working. Better to disparage the idea, than admit our ignorance. The fact is that a lot of laws and principles in science still remain to be discovered, and many of those that have been discovered are not beyond question. Not too long ago it was considered scientifically impossible to ride a bicycle faster than 15 mph because the rider would surely not be able to breathe and an aircraft heavier than 350 lbs would surely not be able to fly. These scientific certainties have since been proven wrong.

If only, people were a little less skeptical and a bit more open minded! If only governments and corporations were a little more honest or at least a little more in check. Among countless other advantages, we would probably have free and clean energy for billions of people on the planet. Sky 4 Energy provides the opportunity to some of you who are enterprising individuals among the many blinded billions to truly reap the benefits of free electricity for your entire household.

If you would  like to find out more about this free energy technology, check out the Free Energy Times Newsletter here.

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